
Why Learn English?

Open Up a World of Opportunities by Learning English

English has become the global language and is widely spoken by over 1.5 billion people worldwide. It is the language of international business, technology, science, and entertainment. Knowing English not only helps individuals improve their career prospects and communication skills but also opens doors to travel and study abroad. Learning English is a gateway to a truly global experience.

fun facts about English

Did you know...?

  • Global Language

    English is a global language, spoken by over 1.5 billion people worldwide. That's 20% of the Earth's population!

  • Business Language

    English is the dominant business language and it has become almost a necessity for people to speak English if they are to enter a global workforce.

  • Internet Language

    It's the primary language of the internet. About 54.0% of all website content is in English.

  • Influence on Other Languages

    English has greatly influenced other languages, with many English words being used verbatim in other languages, especially in the fields of science, technology, and entertainment.

  • Language of Popular Culture

    Many of the world's top films, books, and music are published and produced in English. Think of Harry Potter, Star Wars, U2, or the Beatles!

  • Rich Vocabulary

    English has one of the largest vocabularies of any language which allows for precise expression. The Oxford English Dictionary lists over 170,000 words currently in use, and that's not even counting obsolete words or various jargon.

  • Media Dominance

    Most of the world's leading newspapers, magazines, and valuable informational resources are written in English.

  • Opportunities Abroad

    Knowing English can help you travel more easily, as it's an official language in 67 countries and 27 non-sovereign entities like Hong Kong and Puerto Rico.

  • Cultural Understanding

    Learning English also means learning about the culture of English-speaking countries, which can be an enriching experience.

  • Career Boost

    Proficiency in English can open up job opportunities and can potentially lead to higher paying jobs.

Discover a New Way of Learning English with Lingo Olé

At Lingo Olé, we are passionate about helping our students unlock their potential by mastering the English language. Our innovative teaching methods, experienced educators, and supportive learning environment make us the preferred choice for English learners. We offer a range of courses tailored to your needs, whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your skills. With Lingo Olé, you get more than just education - you get a transformative learning experience that will open up a world of opportunities. Join us today and start your journey to fluency with confidence and ease.

More than just a language course

Lingo Olé Language School brings you on a true language acquisition journey that will lead you to success